In the 16th century, the Kingdom of Siam lost the war agains Burma. Siamese Prince Naresuan declared resistance and created a new army, which consisted mainly of ordinary peasants. But then it turned out that the peasants were not ordinary people. They had wrestling skills, which surprised the Burmese. It turned out that many were experience Muay Thai fighters and many knew the plow. Thanks to them, the prince was able to free the country from enemies and took the royal throne.
After the victory, Naresuan decided to create training centres for Siamese warriors, Where anyone who wanted to have the opportunity to make a military career could study. It was a powerful breakthrough in the development of Thai martial arts. From that moment on, the ability to fight gave a chance to get a good job in life.
Naresuan the Great, Sunphet II
In the next century, another king, whose name was Tonge, took care of his personal safety and surrounded himself with the best warriors of the kingdom. In the capital of Siam, Aytthaya, he built a building with a large earthen platform inside. Selections for the king's personal bodyguards were held there. According to its terms, the fighters must fight each other first with swords, and then fought with their bare hands. To reduce the risk of death during combat and not to beat the warriors in vain, Tong ordered to fight with wooden swords, and for fist fighting to wrap a rope around the wrists and wrists, cover the groin with half a coconut shell or a seashell - this was the first and only protective equipment of Thai boxers until the 20th century.